Friday, November 14, 2014

Critter Candidates for 2015 Calendar

MAY -- 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Post-Holiday Depression

This is probably the most profound running visual commentary on post-holiday depression ever. I must find a feline psychological journal in which to publish.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Flying Fur

Here's an end-of-the-year posting of the flying fur activity on the Flying Fur Ranch -- enjoy!

Annabelle "Noir" a/k/a a cool cat on a cold winter day

Daddy's little helper -- Louie the bolt-catcher

Louie "Noir" a/k/a Flycatcher
(which he failed to catch)
Pitiful Phoebe --

Louie -- unrepentant dogfood thief extraordinaire

Pitiful Minnie Kay, claiming animal abuse --

Pitiful puppy -- denied kitty toy by the "in" crowd

Pitiful puppy -- evil Annie destroys puppy piddle pads
just for her own entertainment

Annie exercises to work off a year's worth of food --
eaten in approximately 1 month

Dog not as dumb as it looks --

One more time -- Poor Puppy!
Being denied feeding frenzy experience with the cats.
Dog with an attitude --
"Make me move from this bed pillow!"

Cat with an attitude --
"I didn't turn it on!  I'm an innocent bystander!"

Cat with innate death wish --
the bigger the prey, the happier he is.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Goofiness, 2013

The weirdness that abounds in the Overstreet Flying Fur Ranch never abates ... this is just the beginning of the year ... I'm a'scared! 

Louie kitty says, "thanks Dad, the outdoors looks pretty tame compared to what goes on in this here house!"

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Well, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!  In case you're new to the Catburglars Blog, and you aren't aware that we have a Menagerie in our house, well, we do.  'Tis all the better for keeping the old man and me (the old woman) in tip-top condition trying to keep up the appearance that we are actually in control.  You are hereby free to laugh at our expense as you browse the year in review at the Overstreet Flying Fur Ranch.  Enjoy!

[Disclaimer:  this is not our dog -- she belongs to family members who shall remain nameless, due to extreme embarrassment at their inability to keep said dog out of the Bailey's Irish Cream.
Dog became natural fodder for New Year's Eve shaming.]

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Procrastination -- not a good thing

And the reason procrastination is bad -- the children grow up so fast, when one doesn't post any darling photos in almost a year.  Of course, after viewing these photos, you will see WHY I had no time to post.  The last time I posted was in June of 2011, when we had newly acquired a bitty little puppy named Minnie Kay, to fill the void of previously-deceased beloved old dogs.  Three months after bringing home Minnie, a 2-month-old kitten ran out from under our deck, screaming for attention and food.  As was the case 3 years ago with our kitty Annie, we could not find the owner, or anybody else who would take a kitty, so naturally, we adopted the new kitty.  Kitty is named Louis, a/k/a Big Lou, and King Louie.  Louie and Minnie have bonded in a big way.  SO ...  grab a cup of coffee & witness the best 9 photos of the last year (some of which made their way onto a calendar), AND to top off the whole experience, is a video!!

Hey ma, get this thing offameee!!!

This is the only "cat" in the house that actually likes Louie.

"I don't care WHAT the other cats think of me,
I got the bestest, softest place in the house!"

This is the only place Phoebe and Annie can go
to get away from the Louis/Minnie daily mayhem.

Please don't call the authorities --
No Animals Were Harmed
in the making of this video --
except me, who almost broke her face
from laughing too hard.